[labnetwork] Vespel wafer clamp for 4" P5000 etch chamber?

John Shott shott at stanford.edu
Tue Jul 8 18:33:29 EDT 2008

Labnetwork community:

Does anyone have a source of the vespel wafer clamp for 4-inch wafers 
for a P5000 etch chamber.  Officially, this is known as AMAT part number 
0020-03673.  In addition to Applied at one point we could get them from 
M.E.C Tech  .... but that appears to no longer be the case.

If anyone has alternative sources, I'd be anxious to hear of them.  Or 
if you've upgraded from 4" to 6" wafers and have spares sitting on your 
shelf, I'd be happy to hear from you.

Thanks for your help,


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