[labnetwork] foreline and exhaust line maintenance

Iulian Codreanu codreanu at seas.upenn.edu
Wed Sep 15 08:52:35 EDT 2010

Good Morning.

I understand that the foreline and pump exhaust line on tools using 
particular precursors (e.g. silane) need to be made of short (4-5 ft) 
sections so that they can be immersed in a liquid bath to neutralize the 
exhaust byproducts that accumulate over time.

If you do something similar in your fab could you please share your 
experience with us?

Thank you very much.

iulian Codreanu, Ph.D.
Director, Penn NanoFab
200 South 33rd Street
Room 305 Moore Bldg
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6314
P: 215-898-9308
F: 215-573-2068

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