[labnetwork] OpenCORAL.org has been moved to OpenCORAL.mit.edu

Vicky Diadiuk diadiuk at MIT.EDU
Wed Jun 20 13:32:15 EDT 2012

As you will recall from earlier messages (eg, see note below), MIT has  
agreed to host the OpenCORAL forum and the web content.
  We have been working with John to make the transition, & it is now  
OpenCORAL.org has been moved to OpenCORAL.mit.edu (at this point, the  
old Website will re-direct you to the new one).
We look forward to energetic participation by all CORAL users.


Dear colleagues,
  Recently Stanford informed us that OpenCoral.org will remain an  
active site for the discussion, development, and distribution of  
OpenCoral. However, Stanford will not be able to continue to host the  
website, since they do not plan to run Coral after they transition to  
Badger (the new commercial version of CORAL).
  Since MIT will continue to use and maintain CORAL, we agreed to host  
the forum and the web content.  In contrast to Stanford, however, we  
don't have the resources necessary to provide the extensive help that  
John Shott has offered in the past.  We will rely on the expertise of  
all CORAL users to help each other.
After the transition to MIT, we do not expect to do as much  
development and functionality additions as Bill Murray had been able  
to do, but we will keep CORAL current, i.e. compatible with modern  
operating systems and databases. Our intent is to continue the  
collaboration between the user-institutions in assisting each other  
with maintenance of the systems we are already using.

With John Shott’s help we are presently working to make a smooth  
transition of OpenCoral.org hosting from Stanford to MIT.  Please let  
us know if you have any questions and/or if you would like to assist  
with the transition and future CORAL maintenance
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