[labnetwork] Assistance Needed - Scholarship for students working towards careers in Nanotechnology

Tom Britton tbritton at criticalsystemsinc.com
Mon Apr 15 18:33:45 EDT 2013

Hello everyone. Can I request your assistance?

We will soon be offering a scholarship for students majoring in Nanotechnology/Microtechnology, and had a few questions regarding who we should target this scholarship towards, and how we should set it up so it goes to a student whose future career is in this industry. Any feedback/advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Below are the question to me from the person at our office who has been tasked with creating this scholarship. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

Tom -
Here are my questions re: how to structure the scholarship from an eligibility standpoint.   If you could forward these questions to a couple of your colleagues, that would be most appreciated.  I want to make sure that we're setting this up properly.   Also, I need to keep it general enough to keep things fair, knowing that different programs will be structured differently...

1st questions revolve around who can receive the scholarship.   We'd like to target engineering undergrads that are showing intentions/interest in microelectronics (Nano, MEMS, Semiconductor, Solar PV).  Thinking of targeting Juniors and/or Seniors, since their coursework will reflect elective courses that move into any given area by the time they hit their Jr. year.

  *   Should this be open to engineering and math majors?

  *   Am I correct in that assumption?

  *   If I'm not correct in that assumption (i.e. - students who are starting their Junior year don't have electives under their belt), then would limiting this to Seniors be the most equitable thing to do?

Next question revolves around how to set up a coursework eligibility requirement.   I think something in this realm would be a good, objective means of showing true intent/interest in nanotechnology, microelectronics, etc.

*        Would X number of classroom and/or labwork hours under their belt towards a minor in one of these specialty fields be a fair requirement?

*        If so, how many classroom and/or labwork hours should be required to qualify?   (Again, being mindful of diversity in programs.)

*        If a "number of hours" type of requirement would not be fair, what might be a suggested eligibility requirement that reflects classroom and or lab work?

It might just be easier for me to have a 5 minute conversation with a couple of these folks instead of having them respond in writing.   I'm obviously open to both.

Thanks for passing this along, Tom.

Jim Blythe
208.639.0459 (office)
208.921.0409 (cell)

I appreciate all of your input! Thank you!

Tom Britton
Sales Manager
Critical Systems, Inc.
7000 W. Victory Road
Boise, ID 83709
Direct: 208-890-1417
Shop:   877-572-5515

    "World Leader in UHP Reconditioned
 Gas Delivery & Abatement Technologies"

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