[labnetwork] BCL3 - Gas Line Heaters and Protocols

Dean Sutter ds120 at gatech.edu
Mon Aug 26 15:09:56 EDT 2013


AT GT Nano we have a hard plumbed BCL3 line coming from a central gas 
room, running several hundred feet into the sub fab eventually 
connecting to the tools.

We have been internally debating the necessary protocols and physical 
installations necessary  to ensure a safe and properly functioning 
delivery mechanism.

These discussions have included the elimination of the central approach, 
replaced with a local gas cabinet and shorter runs since maintaining and 
being able to monitor line heaters on a several hundred foot of line, 
buried in plumbing up in the ceiling  is our primary concern.

So, we are seeking a benchmark from existing facilities that use BCL3.

Anyone care to volunteer to explain their installation and 
operating/safety protocols?


Dean A. Sutter
Associate Director,
Research Operations and Industry Engagements

dean.sutter at ien.gatech.edu
404 894 3847 - Office
404 558 1844 - Cell

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