[labnetwork] HF storage

Jing Guo jeanne.guo at rice.edu
Thu Feb 16 11:11:52 EST 2023

Hi Savitha, 

This is Jing from Rice U Nanofab. Fortunately we have enough space to store HF or BOE in a separate cabinet. HCl is stored with the other acids in the ‘General Acids’ cabinet. Also all HF related processes will be performed in the separate HF wet bench which is a independent bench from other benches. For all of our chemicals, we are using the ’Two-letter’ labelling system which I learned from Utah NanoFab a long time ago. All chemical bottles, storage cabinets and wet benches have a ’two letter’ sticker on. All HF bottles have the ‘HF’ stickers. HCl or other Acids have the ‘GA’ stickers (general acid). The stickers have to match to the cabinets and benches when you need to store or use them. 

For very limited lab or storage space, the simple solution I can think about will be separate secondary containers with different colors, and put different color stickers on the bottle caps. Also put a big color chart beside the storage cabinets and benches to clarify which is which.

I totally agree with Tony, no matter how great foolproof your system is, there will still be someone making mistakes. Wish our system can provide some idea to help. 

Jing Guo Ph.D.
Research Scientist
SEA Cleanroom (SST 017)
Rice University
Houston, TX 
jeanne.guo at rice.edu

> On Feb 15, 2023, at 6:19 AM, Savitha P <savithap at iisc.ac.in> wrote:
> Hi!
> We recently had a couple of occasions where users had mistakenly used Hydrofluoric acid in place of Hydrochloric acid during RCA cleaning. To avoid this, one of the suggestions we have received from our OLSEH is to store HF in a different coloured bottle (currently all acids are stored in white translucent polypropylene bottles which are properly labelled). Accordingly, we had considered storing HF in opaque, brown colour HDPE bottles. However, that was not deemed acceptable by a section of users saying bottles should be translucent so that acid level inside can be judged.
> Could you please let me know how small quantities of HF are stored in your respective fabs. Is there any regulation governing storage of HF, so that we could implement the same.
> Thanks and regards,
> Savitha
> Dr. Savitha P
> Chief Operating Officer
> National Nanofabrication Centre
> Centre for Nanoscience and Engineering
> Indian Institute of Science
> Bangalore - 560012
> India.
> Ph. +91 80 2293 3319
> www.cense.iisc.ac.in <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.cense.iisc.ac.in__;!!BuQPrrmRaQ!jwbzV_ZvSyB1Q5acEoqn2bdk1V1F959zmmHlnmL0yfvnJJ7KjK-9pQMpfGdp8hSSHKhA-Mmu9UAZSVxRNrPjWiAe3he9vQ$>
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