[labnetwork] Repair of Lehighton 1510C Sheet Resistance Measurement System

Jan Gruis gruis at cst.rwth-aachen.de
Wed Feb 22 03:43:37 EST 2023

Hello all!

Our Lehighton 1510C sheet resistance measurement system PC (from the 
1990's) broke, we lost the hard drive and we need to reinstall and 
reconfigure the software.

Semilab LEI (the former Lehighton Electronics team that manufactured our 
model) is not very helpful. Even after a few emails back and forth, it 
is not even clear (to us) if they still have the software for this tool.

Is there anyone else or maybe a company that can still repair this tool?

The main software Lei1500 for the device is stored on 5 diskettes, but 
the fifth is corrupt. Does anyone still have these installation disks? 
But even with these, it seems like additional setup steps are needed to 
set up the two ISA cards and other hardware.

I managed to recover data from the broken hard drive, but I couldn't get 
the software to control the hardware. Apparently, the PCs were delivered 
pre-configured, so simply copying the software is not enough.

Thank you and greetings from Germany

Jan Gruis

CST - Compound Semiconductor Technology
RWTH Aachen University
Sommerfeldstraße 18
52074 Aachen
+49 241 80-27748
gruis at cst.rwth-aachen.de
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