[labnetwork] humidification steam for class 100 cleanrooms

Iulian Codreanu codreanu at seas.upenn.edu
Thu Sep 22 12:43:39 EDT 2011

Dear Fab Network Community,

Penn's new cleanroom will have a mixture of Class 100 and Class 1000 
bays.  We are trying to lower the cost of the RO water system and need 
your help.

We plan on using RO water (UPW would be too corrosive) to generate the 
steam needed for humidification at the cleanroom MAUs.  It would be much 
appreciated if you could provide info on:
- The quality of the RO water
- The materials (304, 316 SS?) used in the high purity side of the 
steam-to-water heat exchanger, humidification coils, and interconnecting 

Thank you very much.

iulian Codreanu, Ph.D.
Director, Penn NanoFab
200 South 33rd Street
Room 376 GRW Bldg
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6314
P: 215-898-9308
F: 215-573-2068

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