[labnetwork] Accepting new tools to a shared facility

Hughes, John S hughes at illinois.edu
Tue Apr 30 15:57:48 EDT 2013

Hi Rob,

Our criteria is very simple: They have to share it. They can set the ground rules regarding what materials/processes are acceptable, but if others want to use it for those allowed purposes, they must be given permission to do so. We also allow them to have their students do the training (and/or maintenance) on the tool if they choose, but they usually prefer to let our technical staff to do that.

 -- John

John S. Hughes                         Office: (217) 333-4674
Associate Director                        FAX: (217) 244-6375
Laboratory Operations                     hughes at illinois.edu<mailto:hughes at illinois.edu>
Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2000E Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory
208 North Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois  61801              http://mntl.illinois.edu

On Apr 30, 2013, at 9:46 AM, "Tufts, Robert" <tufts at usf.edu<mailto:tufts at usf.edu>>

Dear All,

Do any of you have criteria or some sort of written agreement that you execute when a faculty member asks to have a tool of theirs taken under your shared facility’s umbrella? If so could you share it?


Robert Warner Tufts Jr. , MEE
Assistant Director
Nanotechnology Research & Education Center
College of Engineering, University of South Florida

4202 E. Fowler Ave, ENB 118
Tampa, Florida 33620
Office Phone 813.974.5274
Cell Phone 813-505-1626
E-Mail: tufts at usf.edu<mailto:tufts at usf.edu>
Web:  http://www.nrec.usf.edu

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