[labnetwork] N2 grade for blow guns

Michael Khbeis khbeis at uw.edu
Mon Jan 14 14:06:22 EST 2013


At my last facility both UHP and utility N2 was run in stainless from a vaporized liquid source.  The UHP ran through a purifier system.  When the system hit end of life, we did extensive studies on the difference of the UHP through the purifier and utility N2 and found none.  Essentially, the vaporization process was sufficient enough to produce UHP N2 so we did not need the purifier.  We elected to remove the unit and saw no marked difference in yield or particle counts.  In fact, most particle and contamination issues came from the dirty surface of the benches, not from the nozzle.  

Best regards,

Dr. Michael Khbeis
Associate Director
Microfabrication Facility (MFF)
University of Washington
Fluke Hall, Box 352143
(O) 206.543.5101
(C) 443.254.5192
khbeis at uw.edu

On Jan 14, 2013, at 7:25 AM, Iulian Codreanu wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> Thank you very much for your feedback.
> As some of you have pointed out, it would be helpful to be more specific about the N2 grades I mentioned.
> I have what I call utility N2 already installed and I am designing the high purity system:
> - Utility N2 runs in CFOS Cu piping and is shared with the rest of the building; at best I can expect 99.999% entering that piping system from the bulk N2 system.
> - High purity N2 (99.9999%) will be generated using purifiers (I am debating central purification vs. distributed [per chase purifiers]) and will run in electropolished, orbitally welded 316L stainless steel downstream of the purifiers.  The purifies will be fed from the same bulk N2 system but the pipe run (CFOS Cu) will be dedicated to the cleanroom.
> The bulk N2 system I have is not stainless steel and it does NOT have filters after the vaporizers.
> My thinking is similar to Dennis Schweiger's, i.e. anything that touches the product should be high purity.
> Iulian
> iulian Codreanu, Ph.D.
> Director of Operations, UD Nanofab
> 149 Evans Hall
> Newark, DE 19716
> 302-831-2784
> On 1/12/2013 1:29 PM, Lynn Rathbun wrote:
>> Well, first you would have to define what grades you mean by utility nitrogen and high purity nitrogen.
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