[labnetwork] Combo facilities

Iulian Codreanu codreanu at udel.edu
Mon Jun 20 17:39:01 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

I too would like to congratulate Ian, Amy, Kayla, Ryan and the rest of 
the Utah team for organizing a high quality conference.

I am very interested in the organization of "combo" facilities, i.e. 
facilities that combine fabrication, microscopy, materials 
characterization, etc. If you are part of such a facility, I would very 
much appreciate your input on how your facility is structured. So far I 
am familiar with the Harvard, DTU, Wisconsin, Penn State, and Penn models.

Thank you very much,


iulian Codreanu, Ph.D.
Director of Operations, UD NanoFab
163 ISE Lab
221 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716

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