[labnetwork] Virtual fabrication apps/programs

Chito Kendrick cekendri at mtu.edu
Mon May 11 17:19:53 EDT 2020

I hope all are well and keeping safe.

As it looks more and more likely our fall semester is going to be online or
a hybrid and therefore how I teach my lab based microfabrication course is
going to have to change.

I ended up recording videos on my processing for the last 3 weeks of the
spring semester and will likely do that for the rest of the process (first
11 weeks) once I can get into the facility again. However, ZOOM, vidoes,
powerpoints, animations are not going to get students the full hands-on
feel for doing processing in a cleanroom and nothing really does.

I did find a virtual fab created by KAUST - https://fablab.kaust.edu.sa -
and they do have some tools that are the same as in my fab (EVG mask
aligner). This allows the students to interact with the system - they use
it for training from what I have seen. Does anyone else know if other
facilities have produced a similar virtual experience?

I am also looking for a processing software that allows a user to see a
2D/3D section of a wafer and do oxidation/etching/deposition on the wafer
and see the cross section change after each process step. I was looking at
the https://www.synopsys.com/silicon.html, but without a copy I have not
been able to see if it does what I want. Not sure if anyone has had
experience with this software? about to go check out Youtube.


Chito Kendrick

Chito Kendrick Ph.D. <https://sites.google.com/site/chitokendrickphd/>

Managing Director of the Microfabrication Facility
Research Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Michigan Technological University
Room 436 M&M Building
1400 Townsend Dr.
Houghton, Michigan 49931-1295

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