[labnetwork] How do you charge SBIRs?

Iulian Codreanu codreanu at udel.edu
Fri Dec 9 11:31:19 EST 2022

Good Morning,

As most of you probably do, I have three rate structures:
-Other academic/government
-Corporate (for profit)

I am writing to solicit your input on how you handle SBIRs (where funds 
go from the government to a for-profit entity). Do you charge the 
government rate, the corporate rate, or something else? What rationale 
do you use when you decide? If you offer the government rate, do you 
require any "proof" that SBIR funds ate indeed used?

Thank you very much,


iulian Codreanu, Ph.D.
Director, Nanofabrication Facility
University of Delaware
Harker ISE Lab, Room 163
221 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716

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