[labnetwork] Dicing sapphire wafer

Ningzhi Xie nzxie at uw.edu
Fri Jul 14 19:08:20 EDT 2023

Dear College,

I am using the DISCO DAD 321 Wafer Dicing Saw and VT07 SD400 blade to dice
a 460μm sapphire (Al2O3) wafer. It seems the wafer is too hard that I get
into trouble of frequently breaking the dicing blade. I have tried lowing
the spin speed to 12000rpm, the cutting speed to 1mm/s, and only cut into
half of the wafer (230μm) but still got the blade broken. I am wondering if
you have any good suggestions on sapphire wafer dicing.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Ningzhi Xie
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Washington
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